Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Monday 21 January 2013

Bredonborough A slow gentle rising




A slow, gentle rising from the slumberzone this morning, with Wilyfred fully engaged in play-mode from the beginning of our day, if not for his.

Unlading the Minx’s car, unpacking, distributing things around the home.

12.55 To get lunch for the Minx…

13.55… who has set off to her afternoon’s meetings.

On the DGM Guestbook…

Quotes:: Posted by tariqat on January 20, 2013
… Language is such a bastard.

In one of the seemingly endless series of industry disputes, often revolving around royalties and their non- and under-payment, on the occasion about-to-be-reported the disputation was with BMG Publishing. BMG Publishing bought the EG Music publishing catalogue in 1991 (although they were asked by Mr. Fenwick to refer to this as a licensing deal, to maintain the fiction that EG were continuing as an industry player).

Some ten years later, c. 2001, it became apparent to us that BMG had underpaid publishing revenue by c. £100,000. David Singleton and myself went to BMG UK HQ on Putney Bridge for a meeting, and I suggested that to expedite a settlement, we agree the royalties owed were £100,00. Faces fell around the room. The figure BMG had in mind was £50,000. Detailed auditing later, the owed sum was shown to be £110,000.

Mr. Power Possessor @ BMG UK Publishing called DGM HQ for David Singleton, who had just gone home, and spoke to myself. We had a short conversation before Mr. PP called David at home and asked: How much would Robert settle for? Ie what discount can BMG get on the royalties we owe him, and agree is the amount we owe him, if we actually pay him something?

David Singleton’s reply: I think Robert would like to be paid the amount he is owed.

In respect to the DGM Guestbook posting above, in my short conversation with Mr. PP of BMG UK, at the end of our conversation, he said this: The trouble with words is, they mean the opposite of what you intend them too.

Worth reading a second time through: The trouble with words is, they mean the opposite of what you intend them too.



Missing pieces:: Posted by sweetfeed on January 20, 2013
Will 2013 be the year that we see expanded reissues of the ’missing’ Fripp discography? God Save the Queen/Under Heavy Manners? The League of Gentlemen? Let the Power Fall? Oh go on. The Exposure reissue was so well put together but it’s missing its contemporary siblings. Can DGM offer any clues regarding a possible time frame for these?

This is a question best directed to Universal Music, currently attracting more of our time and attention than any of us would like.

17.12 An afternoon of e-fury. I am in demand for interviews.

17.35 Off to our local pals, formerly of the haunted house across the Square.

21.17 A wonderful, gentle evening of the local kind with our pals, now living in the next village. The boat went out, but remained attached to land.
